Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Always you , you and you

By myself , original from my own mind and my experience (by endah wahyunni)


If there is you , there will be me
If there is me , there will be you
If there is us , there will be love

music is love
and love is you
when you playing a song for me
When I look at you ..it seems like you're a perfect person in the world
the feel like .. I don't want to stop the music
it seems like , you're a great musician 

you sing a song for me
I sing a song for you
we sing a song together
you're my sunshine , my only sunshine
How beautiful life when I'm with you

dancing in the moonlight
dancing in the sunshine
I don't care when I dance , where I dance
as long as I dance with you
when we are dancing in the beach
It's like the birds singing to us
Sun shining for us
the fish watching to us
the sand praying to us

I want to spent all my time with you
no one else ... just you

I never feel alone
I never feel sad
everytime you hold my hand
I feel calm
I feel relax
becasue I know ... you were here with me

When I feel sad
When I crying
When I'm dissapointed
When I'm stress
and When my tears drop from my eyes ...
you always wipe my tears
you always said "don't cry , you're not beautiful when the tears drop from your eyes,don't be afraid , I'm here when you need me"
You know ? My heart is melt 
when you said that ... I want to cry as loud as I can
because I'm afraid to losing you , how perfect you're for me.

I love you everyday
I love you more and more
I have a lot of plans to spent all my whole time with you
getting married with you
have a perfect daughter and son
take care of them
and growing old with you
because love is never getting old

I dream
I hope 
I wish
I'm getting old with you
growing old with you 
and your love for me never getting old

I wish we are growing old together
I don't care whats god plans
eventhough I have to leaving you first
I hope were next to me 
I hope you sing a song for me
I hope you wipe my tears
I hope you dancing with me
I hope we do everything we can .. do everything that we do when we are still young

with you
with our love
what a beautiful life 
what a beautiful hope
it's because of you

~ 100% by endah wahyunni , go follow @endahwah ~

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